Information On The CGIs

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See Also: CGI Configuration File Options, Authentication And Authorization In The CGIs, CGI Footers and Headers, CGI Security


The various CGIs distributed with Naemon are described here, along with the authorization requirements for accessing and using each CGI. By default the CGIs require that you have authenticated to the web server and are authorized to view any information you are requesting. More information on configuring authorization can be found here.

Standard Pages

Status CGI

Status CGI - Details Status CGI - Overview Status CGI - Summary Status CGI - Grid
Url: status.cgi

Description: This is the most important CGI included with Naemon. It allows you to view the current status of all hosts and services that are being monitored. The status CGI can produce two main types of output - a status overview of all host groups (or a particular host group) and a detailed view of all services (or those associated with a particular host).

Authorization Requirements:

Status Map CGI

Status Map CGI
Url: statusmap.cgi

Description: This CGI creates a map of all hosts that you have defined on your network. The CGI uses Thomas Boutell's gd library (version 1.6.3 or higher) to create a PNG image of your network layout. The coordinates used when drawing each host (along with the optional pretty icons) are taken from host definitions. If you'd prefer to let the CGI automatically generate drawing coordinates for you, use the default_statusmap_layout directive to specify a layout algorithm that should be used.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are authorized for all hosts you can view all hosts.
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view hosts for which you are a contact.

Tactical Overview CGI

Tactical Overview CGI
Url: tac.cgi

Description: This CGI is designed to server as a "birds-eye view" of all network monitoring activity. It allows you to quickly see network outages, host status, and service status. It distinguishes between problems that have been "handled" in some way (i.e. been acknowledged, had notifications disabled, etc.) and those which have not been handled, and thus need attention. Very useful if you've got a lot of hosts/services you're monitoring and you need to keep a single screen up to alert you of problems.

Authorization Requirements:

Network Outages CGI

Network Outages CGI
Url: outages.cgi

Description: This CGI will produce a listing of "problem" hosts on your network that are causing network outages. This can be particularly useful if you have a large network and want to quickly identify the source of the problem. Hosts are sorted based on the severity of the outage they are causing.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are authorized for all hosts you can view all hosts.
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view hosts for which you are a contact.

Configuration CGI

Configuration CGI
Url: config.cgi

Description: This CGI allows you to view objects (i.e. hosts, host groups, contacts, contact groups, time periods, services, etc.) that you have defined in your object configuration file(s).

Authorization Requirements:

Command CGI

Command CGI
Url: cmd.cgi

Description: This CGI allows you to send commands to the Naemon process. Although this CGI has several arguments, you would be better to leave them alone. Most will change between different revisions of Naemon. Use the extended information CGI as a starting point for issuing commands.

Authorization Requirements: Notes:
  • If you have chosen not to use authentication with the CGIs, this CGI will not allow anyone to issue commands to Naemon. This is done for your own protection. I would suggest removing this CGI altogether if you decide not to use authentication with the CGIs.

Extended Information CGI

Extended Information CGI - Process Information Extended Information CGI - Performance Information Extended Information CGI - Host Information Extended Information CGI - Service Information
Url: extinfo.cgi

Description: This CGI allows you to view Naemon process information, host and service state statistics, host and service comments, and more. It also serves as a launching point for sending commands to Naemon via the command CGI. Although this CGI has several arguments, you would be better to leave them alone - they are likely to change between different releases of Naemon. You can access this CGI by clicking on the 'Network Health' and 'Process Information' links on the side navigation bar, or by clicking on a host or service link in the output of the status CGI.

Authorization Requirements:

Event Log CGI

Event Log CGI
Url: showlog.cgi

Description: This CGI will display the log file. If you have log rotation enabled, you can browse notifications present in archived log files by using the navigational links near the top of the page.

Authorization Requirements:

Alert History CGI

Alert History CGI
Url: history.cgi

Description: This CGI is used to display the history of problems with either a particular host or all hosts. The output is basically a subset of the information that is displayed by the log file CGI. You have the ability to filter the output to display only the specific types of problems you wish to see (i.e. hard and/or soft alerts, various types of service and host alerts, all types of alerts, etc.). If you have log rotation enabled, you can browse history information present in archived log files by using the navigational links near the top of the page.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are authorized for all hosts you can view history information for all hosts and all services.
  • If you are authorized for all services you can view history information for all services.
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view history information for all services and hosts for which you are a contact.

Notifications CGI

Notifications CGI
Url: notifications.cgi

Description: This CGI is used to display host and service notifications that have been sent to various contacts. The output is basically a subset of the information that is displayed by the log file CGI. You have the ability to filter the output to display only the specific types of notifications you wish to see (i.e. service notifications, host notifications, notifications sent to specific contacts, etc). If you have log rotation enabled, you can browse notifications present in archived log files by using the navigational links near the top of the page.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are authorized for all hosts you can view notifications for all hosts and all services.
  • If you are authorized for all services you can view notifications for all services.
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view notifications for all services and hosts for which you are a contact.

Trends CGI
Url: trends.cgi

Description: This CGI is used to create a graph of host or service states over an arbitrary period of time. In order for this CGI to be of much use, you should enable log rotation and keep archived logs in the path specified by the log_archive_path directive. The CGI uses Thomas Boutell's gd library (version 1.6.3 or higher) to create the trends image.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are authorized for all hosts you can view trends for all hosts and all services.
  • If you are authorized for all services you can view trends for all services.
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view trends for all services and hosts for which you are a contact.

Availability Reporting CGI

Availability CGI - Hostgroup Availability CGI - Host
Url: avail.cgi

Description: This CGI is used to report on the availability of hosts and services over a user-specified period of time. In order for this CGI to be of much use, you should enable log rotation and keep archived logs in the path specified by the log_archive_path directive.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are authorized for all hosts you can view availability data for all hosts and all services.
  • If you are authorized for all services you can view availability data for all services.
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view availability data for all services and hosts for which you are a contact.

Alert Summary CGI

Alert Summary CGI
Url: summary.cgi

Description: This CGI provides some generic reports about host and service alert data, including alert totals, top alert producers, etc.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are authorized for all hosts you can view summary information for all hosts and all services.
  • If you are authorized for all services you can view summary information for all services.
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view summary information for all services and hosts for which you are a contact.

Additional Pages

Business Process CGI

Business Process CGI - Overview Business Process CGI - Details
Url: bp.cgi

Description: The Business Process CGI can manage, create and edit your business processes. It allows you to combine single host and service states in complex calculations which represent business logic. These business processes can then be used as naemon services to accomplish standard tasks like notifications and reporting.

Authorization Requirements:

Config Tool CGI

Conf Tool CGI - Thruk Settings Conf Tool CGI - Host Details Conf Tool CGI - Filesystem
Url: conf.cgi

Description: The Config Tool CGI can change many settings within Thruk and also can be used to manage Naemon objects like hosts, services, commands, etc...

Authorization Requirements:

Reports CGI

Reports CGI - Details Reports CGI - Report
Url: reports2.cgi

Description: The Reports CGI creates SLA reports and delivers them by mail.

Authorization Requirements:

Panorama View CGI

Panorama View CGI
Url: panorama.cgi

Description: The Panorama CGI lets contacts define individual dashboards on multiple tabs.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view and edit all dashboards for which you are a contact.

Minemap CGI

Minemap CGI
Url: minemap.cgi

Description: The minemap gives you an brief overview on your hosts and services. It is recommended to use additional filters. The minemap is especially useful if you have hosts which share common services names.

Authorization Requirements:
  • If you are authorized for all hosts you can view minemaps for all hosts and all services.
  • If you are authorized for all services you can view minemaps data for all services.
  • If you are an authenticated contact you can view all hosts and services for which you are a contact.

Mobile CGI

Mobile CGI
Url: mobile.cgi

Description: The mobile cgi is designed for mobile devices and should work with all modern mobile phones like iPhone or Android. It provides an easy way to quickly acknowledge problems from your mobile.

Authorization Requirements: